There is love all around us. There is evidence of that very love if we can only come to place of mindfulness to witness that love. Each day I am humbled when people send in pictures of their random acts of kindness and they illustrate their belief that love surrounds us always and by giving we put our faith in the Divine that through unity and harmony we shall all evolve together.
Beautiful souls inspire me with their loving kindness every day. Thank you to all the lights of love that give evidence to the truth that we are all one. It only takes one moment to see the light in the eyes of another and when we see that light all fear and feelings of separation dissolve in the light of love.
We are all that love. We share a common humanity and we are only on this ride for a very short time so let us lift each other up and support one another with the knowledge that one day we will reunite in our truest essence of oneness, cooperation and love. Let us shine the light of love on the world and give evidence that our loving world is alive and vibrating.
We are the hope that we seek. We are the understanding that we seek. We are the love that we seek and together we can and will transform the world.
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