From the heart of the Secret Blue Butterfly
Hi, Sb2, I have a question. I guess it’s kinda like a life question. You seem like a wonderful person so I decided to come to you for your wisdom, plus to be honest, I don’t really have a lot of friends these days. I am the type of person who always wants to help others (thus, wanting to be a part of your beautiful message). Well, recently I have felt taken advantage of, well not appreciated. I am always helping my family with my time and the minute I need a favor I hear crickets. I NEVER ask anyone for help. I have nothing yet I give everything. My question is, how can I continue to give my time and be selfless when I don’t feel like it comes back. I am not keeping track, nor do I do things with the anticipation of it “coming back” but it really makes me sad when I need a hand and no one is around. I’m sure you are a very busy person and don’t have time to answer questions. I just figured I would reach out. I really do love the message you are spreading. I hope more people will learn from you.
Secret Blue Butterfly:
It is important to remember that when we give it is because we want to give. We are giving because of what it brings to ourselves, which is the joy of spreading love and kindness. True gifts are given without expectation and that includes ever hoping someone will be there for us when we feel we need them. Through the gift of giving, once the giver has given and the receiver has received the transaction is complete. No one owes anything to anyone because each party benefited from the gift. The giver got to give something they had in abundance to give (which is the greatest gift of all) and the receiver got to receive something they were lacking. This is the universal law of keeping the flow moving.
One of the central things that people most often forget when giving is that we should only give what we have in abundance. If we give from a place of lack this leads to resentment, which may be what you are feeling right now. If we have little to give monetarily then we shouldn’t give gifts that will create feelings of lack because taking something away from ourselves in order to give to another is not a gift at all. In giving, nothing is taken away from the giver that they don’t have in abundance so that when they do give they can do so without the feeling or the desire to receive anything in return. If we give only in the hopes of receiving something back in return we have fundamentally compromised our peace of mind because we are relying on an outcome from someone outside of ourselves, which is always unpredictable. This is a roadmap to discontent. When we give from a place of abundance (this could be simply a compliment) we never feel anything has ever been taken away from us and we also never feel as if the receiver owes us anything because we already have more of the gift in reserve.
You are a divinely shining light and you are perfect exactly the way you are. The greatest friend you will ever have is yourself and when you become your very best friend there is nothing the world can do to hurt you because you will always have yourself. Keep giving. Keep shining the light of love on those around you without any need or desire for any outcome. Over time people will be drawn to your beautiful heart and soon the abundance of the Universe will open up to you. You are the light that people long to see. You are the love they long for. We cannot blame the blind because they cannot see. We cannot expect those in pain to be able to provide us with love because this is our domain for ourselves anyway. It is not other people’s jobs to love us, that is our job. We are the love that the world so longs to see and isn’t this the greatest service we could ever offer the world? To show the world love even when there is no evidence that people will return the love back to us? Sending you so much love and light, Dear One. You are loved always and forever. Sb2
I am speechless. Your words are so profound and beautiful. I understand much better now. Thank you so much for taking your time to explain this to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Do you have any books of inspiration you can recommend? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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